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Our values

UNITY is a centre right party, whose members are linked by shared values. We are united in our understanding and commitment to honest, responsible, and competent policymaking. We are a patriotic and open-minded party ready to take on global challenges and work toward forging a more prosperous Latvia. Our primary mission to ensure sustainable and balanced national development. Unity strives to secure Latvia as a national, European, and democratic state with an education, healthy, and resilient society.
We stand for a united, cohesive and confident nation.


Every person is an asset, every voice must be heard and taken into account. We are working to build a Latvia, where people can fulfil dreams, enjoy freedoms, and realise their creative potential. Latvia must become a champion of science and innovation, driven by technological, intellectual and cultural openness. Each and every individual must have access to quality healthcare, modern and competitive education, robust opportunities for self-development, and reliable public services. Families are the cornerstones of our society, raising our next generation of citizens in line with tradition and generational experience.


We are proud of Latvia. Latvia is and will be a prosperous country, whose development directly serves its people. Our patriotism most directly manifests in our work. We envision Latvia as a national, socially inclusive state that protects democracy and fundamental freedoms. Our membership in the European Union and the NATO Alliance is the bedrock of our national security, and Latvia works actively to contribute to the success of both organisations. A united European Union with a strong presence on the global stage is pivotal to Latvia’s future development. For its part, Latvian society must cherish the principles of unity, tolerance, education, and solidarity.


We stand for a socially responsible free market economy. Latvia needs driven people with ambitious goals – cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit and initiative is one of the preconditions for ensuring lasting growth and development. We must establish fair conditions for all market actors, providing internationally recognised education opportunities, as well as an accessible and stimulating business environment. Sustainable development will facilitate the creation and adoption of new values. We support the transition to a green and digital economy, featuring advanced technology, innovation, resource optimisation, the shift to eco-agricultural practices, and environmental protection. Taxation policy must be made simple, understandable, easy to implement, and just. The national budget must be built on the principles of sustainable development and pragmatic fiscal discipline.


We must each do our part in shouldering collective responsibility for the welfare of our country. Our sense of identity is a positive source of stability in our ever-changing world. Our sense of Latvian identity must be attained by cultivated European excellence in all spheres, shaping Latvia into a Northern European regional centre of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and culture. Our Latvian identity is the bedrock of our nation, enabling us to act with confidence and conviction. The Latvian language is the language of communication and democratic discourse of all inhabitants of Latvia, while the Latvian culture and heritage should serve as a unifying force. Latvia is open in spirit and home to all those living in Latvia as well as compatriots around the world.


The government and the state must serve its people. We stand for judicial independence and the rule of law, a responsible and professional civil service, and sound municipal governance in service of  Latvian society. An active civil society and educated voter population are the key to advancing our country’s political processes. We stand for clear and transparent representation of political, economic, or social interests. Social justice and solidarity represent the fundamental principles of a civilised political culture.

The tax burden must be equitable and just – we stand for equality of opportunity for all, with a focus on mitigating inequality across society. Crucially, the taxation mechanisms must be closely linked with provision of public services. Our democratic values are the bedrock of our national conviction and pride, and they must be the basis of the Latvian people’s trust in government.


A democratic, well-governed, and effective Europe that is in close touch with its citizens. A prosperous, thriving Europe built on the principles of free markets and social justice. These are the values for which the centre-right European People’s Party has stood for since its establishment in 1976. The Unity political party is part of the European People’s Party along with 76 other political parties across Europe.